Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Art Expo 2009

ART EXPO 2009~~
i am goin with Candy & Shiau Ling...
early in the morning wait at KL Central...
wait for 10a.m bus to ART EXPO....but guess wat..
the bus will oni arrive at 11a.m...
& i rush like hell all the way there without breakfast.
lucky i have KFC riser set of breakfast^^
hope to have a nice day^^
it's really nice over there..
saw lots of designer or artist~~
get to what art really is...
take lots of pics with nice art...
but sorry guy can't share all of them...
just post part of it...
that i really love so much~~
This is at the entrance of the art expo...
i saw this when i get in...
this is art from some syndrome child...
but i like it...
it look nice~~well done child..
i like the colour matching & line of the dress..
it's really cool...more of it too..
the 1st view of this pic...
i tot it was a photo...but when i went near..
OMG..i realize is really draw...
the colour of the stone is REAL...
the shadow & toning is damn cool...
artist from korea drew this...
i like the feel...
red cloth fill will mystery & sexy^^hehe..
this is too..look so real....
artist from Korea..
this is artist from Thai...
the reflection of Wayang Kulit...
colour of the skin & hair...speachless...
too nice...
korea too...
crazy of art...
when we saw the artist is there haha..
guess wat~~~
me & shiau ling quickly go and have their signature...
The view of Cameron Highland...
artist from indonesia...
lots of dot dot...haha...
our president of dunno what is there too..
she imediately bought that
cost RM35,000.00~~~
can pay my school fees ad...
but it is really nice & real...
i like this...
the oil acrylic is so thick...
& makes me feel that the horse is really moving...
the last section i visit was Malaysia part..
omg..sorry to say that nothing special..
this is from Malaysia..just some graphic..
& past on some LEGO...
walk walk walk...tired tired tired....
finally finish the whole gallery..
so damn tired....took a rest~~~
wait for the bus back to KLCC...
stomach is make
end up with SAKAE SUSHI with candy & shiau ling...
green tea^^
good for digestion..HAHA..
floss maki~~
Ramen....ordered by Shiau Ling~~
Chicken Terriyaki...
it's my favourite & candy too^^
Enjoy enjoy enjoy...
Shiau Ling~~
after our lunch+dinner...
back home...
a day just ended like this~~