Sunday, September 27, 2009

Assessment day

Assessment day....
good luck to myself for the presentation later....
can't wait to finish the presentation...
so that i can hang out..

Hanging out

Today after class...
erm actually is not class..
just go & hand up my assignment n bla~~~
hehe..sorry Kenny i haven't finish my new media~~
after that den we guys hang up at time square...
to have our lunch & dinner...
the same old place we use to visit...
hehe...BBQ plaza...
wow..this few days ate lots of unhealthy food...
all BBQ...have to go back for yoga ad~~
yeah...mum mum..hungry man~~

wow...maya look happy too..
hui yen jie~~kawaii ne..
xiao ling..
em..drinking the yummy & sweet soup..
it's really taste good after soaking with all the cabbage~~
hot hot..the soup is hot..
Delicious....nice BBQ~~

After that rush back to take a bath & nap...
later on going for a movie at Mid Valley with cousins...
ready to go out....hehe..enjoy^^
watching this movie...
little bit scary for me...
but funny too..
after movie i really dead beat...
it's 12 a.m..
ready for bed..
night night~~

ANTI lens...

Here you go with no lens...
ANTI lens....
always don't let me wear lens...
happy with no lens here....

Random photograph


Outgoings with cousins during Raya Holidays...
went for shopping at TS & Sg.Wang... really happy & dead beat...
but it's quite sad..cause he is not right beside me....
miss him so much~~
random pics~~
with cousins...

Cousins gathering~~

Raya holidays....
saturday night is going to have gathering with all my cousins..
at have BBQ Steamboat...
the place i celebrated my birthday with all my paternal cousins..
the price of BBQ Steamboat buffet~~
some of the choices~~
wow...nice~~gud choice..
red meat...
some dessert~~
greenly vege~~
ham & fish~~
2nd cousin...
em...before dinner she eats ice-cream 1st....
it's bad for health ok~~
don't not learn(for child who underage) ...
yeah...everybody is busy cooking..
putting those ingredients into the soup n BBQ...
& i am busy taking photograph..wahhaa..
yeah...this is really table^^
prawns, cutter fish, fish &
i like it ahha ahha..
another stove...
look little bit of health...haha..
yeah...i like this...
the yellow stuff is chicken meat..
& it's quite famous...ppl named it as stay chicken...
3rd cousin...
all of us..."cousins"
uncle, aunty & mummy...
my lovely uncle n aunt~~
lil bit blur of the photograph....sob sob >< finally...we finished all the delicious food...
it's really hell....
look at the banana leaf..its really black in colour...
it shows that this is not healthy..
but still have lots of ppl comin...
i will sure visit again..
this is the 2nd time of visit...
hehe...comin soon on oct with college friend's...
what a silly act...
haha...woan yiing & i was cousins..
look a like....
i remember when we were still in secondary school...
lots of teacher asked who are sister...
& i get shock coz they thought v r twins..haha..
beside eating is also taking photograph to kept as memory...
all of the pic is also our sweet memories~~~
waiting anxiously for the next gathering...^^

Thursday, September 24, 2009

KANG's birthday Celebration

wow...finally i have finish my exam n assessment~~
happy man^^
sorry 2 my dear friends...
sorry kang...i have delay ur pics for so long...
upload it now~~
well celebration for kang's birthday begins...
let some of my message & pics make the talk~~
we went to Neway k box which located at 1u..'s the 1st day i went there for k..
normally v used 2 go time square or
well have a new n nice try 2...
v went there for buffet...lots of delicious food..
but i ate juz a lil coz bust singing..haha
sushi favourite food...
potato wedges & abalone porridge~~
others activites is still singing singing & taking some pics...
hoong fatt & jessica~~sweet couple...
next is an old folk...hehe he chan~~
here are the "man"... comes the sweet gals^^
niko,kang n jessica~~
it's time for the birthday folks~~
old folks~~~haha..jkjk
make a wish n may all ur dreams come true~~
is it really tat hard??
i bought tat from secret recipe...
coz u r too fussy..
no cheese no milk....arg...
it's delicious u noe??

i love it when it came 2 the alcohol time~~